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    November 02, 2006

    "I know what you did last night"

    Posted by: Chris

    Haggardpoints… "If you send me a thousand dollars, I won't tell your wife."

    File this videoclip away under "What in the hell was he thinking?" Right alongside Gary Hart daring the press to prove he had been unfaithful to his wife, or Bill Clinton claiming he never had sex with "that woman." Or better yet, file it away under "His Karma Ate His Dogma":

    This is Rev. Ted Haggard, who resigned today from the National Association of Evangelicals, and took a leave of absence from his 14,000-member church amid allegations that he paid a male escort for sex over a three-year period.

    It's on YouTube courtesy of the folks behind "Jesus Camp," a now-must-see documentary about the training of "Christian youth to assume leadership roles" in the evangelical movement. Read more below for why even such brazen hypocrisy isn't cause for glee.

    (Hat tip: Pam's House Blend)



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    1. jimbo on Nov 3, 2006 2:02:51 PM:

      It's really too bad. Haggard would have made a hot out gay person. When he was younger he kinda looked like Seann Scott.

      Closets and compartments are fascinating, but ultimately sad.

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