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    November 07, 2006

    No 'boy pages' for Harold

    Posted by: Chris

    Haroldford787453 As a native of Memphis, Tenn., I was originally pleased by how Harold Ford, Jr., has been a rising star in the Democratic Party. Racial division has long plagued politics in Memphis, which has fallen far behind its cross-state rival Nashville for largely that reason.

    Now Ford is running for the seat vacated by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a craven anti-gay Republican, and yet Ford is proving just as craven in his gay-baiting, proudly trumpeting his two votes in favor of federal marriage amendments.

    Today, on MSNBC, Ford couldn't stop talking about how much he loves Jesus, his risen Savior. Yes, the GOP ads that smeared him for the Playboy parties were revolting; but so is his self-righteous response.

    And then this gem, totally unsolicited by interviewer Tucker Carlson, on how he'll bring his Christian values to bear if elected:

    "You dont have to worry about me hitting on boy pages on the Senate floor."

    Nice, Harold.



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    1. Don on Nov 7, 2006 5:29:52 PM:

      I met Harold when he gave a lecture to a group of activists 4 years ago. He grossly mistated a position of an organization that I happen to be on the board of. I didn't want to embarass him publicly, so I approached him afterwards to try to quietly correct him so he wouldn't make the same mistake twice. He was arrogant and did not want to know the correct position. He insisted he was right and no one could tell him differently. That's when I decided he wasn't worth supporting.

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