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    November 20, 2006

    In the news…

    Posted by: Chris

    • Romneymitttb John McCain isn't the only Republican shoring up his anti-gay conservative bona fides in anticipation of a 2008 presidential run. Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney told a rally outside the State House in Boston yesterday that he plans to sue the legislature to force a state constitutional amendment banning gay marriage onto the '08 ballot. Lawmakers blocked a petition earlier this month by recessing a Constitutional Convention until Jan. 2 of next year. Lost on Romney and his cheering rally was the juicy irony that he is now asking the so-called activist justices on the state's highest court to overrule the democratically-elected legislature. The state's constitution contains no guarantee that the people can vote on petitions, mind you, but Romney will ask them to read between the lines.
    • The 4,000 churches in the North Carolina Baptist State Convention voted last week to kick out churches that won't kick out gay parishioners. The vote was aimed at 16 heretical Baptist churches in the state that are affiliated with the more moderate Alliance of Baptists. The policy to ban the churches that don't ban isn't really new, but it gives the state convention the authority to "investigate" member churches suspected of gay-friendliness. Billy Oxendine, pastor at Faithful Calvary Baptist Church, praised the new policy, even as he butchered English. "The Lord speaks against [homosexuality]. Two men lying together is an abomination," he said. "It's something they choose to do. God don't make no gay people to be filthy and nasty. He ain't a part of that."
    • Williamsrobbie2Speaking of filthy and nasty, naughty straight boy Robbie Williams is still denying rumors that he's gay, but he allows that he'd consider a same-sex abomination under the right circumstances. "I wouldn't enjoy it but I could do it under pain of death, or if it meant saving a baby bunny from being burned alive," he told the Daily Mirror. Hasenpfeffer, anyone? All in all, it's still women for Robbie. "A great set of tits and a slappable arse are the must-haves for me."


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