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    November 07, 2006

    Kinky gets kinky

    Posted by: Chris

    Kinky Friedman, the maverick independent running for Texas governor, was just interviewed on MSNBC by Tucker Carlson on MSNBC. Here's the video clip:


    So I get the Ted Haggard reference, but what's up with the hand gestures? Does Tucker get some inside joke that's lost on me?

    It brings to mind a few Kinky yucks from the past on gay marriage:

    "I think gays have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us, so I support gay marriage."
    (NBC's "Meet the Press," Aug. 21, 2005)

    "The zit on the end of my nose here — the Lord has punished me for supporting gay marriage."
    (Associated Press, Nov. 10, 2005)



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