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November 11, 2006
With Dems like these...
Posted by: Chris
…who needs Republicans?
Harold Ford to lead the party?
HRC Score 108th Congress: 44
* HRC Score 109th Congress: 25
Backs federal marriage amendment, and punitive state constitutional amendment banning gay couples from marrying.
John Murtha for House Majority Leader?
HRC Score 107th Congress: 33
* HRC Score 108th Congress: 17
* HRC Score 109th Congress: 63
Has refused to co-sponsor even Employment Non-Discrimination or hate crimes legislation; opposes abortion rights.
*=Human Rights Campaign score on gay and HIV/AIDS issues.
Thank God for Barney, pushing instead for Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer (HRC scores: 100, 100, 88)
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You give the people a choice between a Republican and a Republican and they'll choose the Republican every time... ;)
From AmericaBlog here's a broader indication of Rep. Murtha's voting record and an interesting final point.
0% - NARAL (pro-choice group)
0% - Planned Parenthood
34% - Humane Society
44% - ACLU
45% - US PIRG
56% - League of Conservation Voters
33% to 17% to 63% over 3 years - Human Rights Campaign (gay civil rights)
74% - NAACP
78% - Children's Defense Fund
96% - Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
100% - National Education Association (they're a good education group)CONSERVATIVE-MINDED GROUPS
28% - Focus on the Family, Family Research Council (religious right)
50% - John Birch Society (insanely conservative)
50% - Eagle Forum (Phyllis Schlafly)
53% - Christian Coalition (religious right)
70% - National Right to Life (anti-choice)
92% - National Rifle AssociationAnd perhaps the even greater issue, Murth has ethics problems - he got an honorable mention on CREW's "most corrupt members of Congress" list. That is not good, at all. Especially after we just won an election on the corruption issue. At the very least, Murtha needs to clean up his house if he is going to become Majority Leader.
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Alan on Nov 12, 2006 11:48:13 AM:
Harold Ford Jr. is the poster child for the "new Democrat." At times I believe this means a Republican in Democratic clothes.
His sanctimonious homophobia is probably what cost him the election as Tennessee gays stayed home inasmuch as no one was really fighting the gay marriage question.