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December 12, 2006
If you just can't get enough…
Posted by: Chris
…of the Mark Foley scandal, the House ethics commitee has just the thing: More than 100 pages of IM transcripts (click on Exhibit 13), starring Foley himself and a handful of name-redacted teens who he lamely attempts to seduce, as they complain about their AP English homework and Mom calling from downstairs.
I haven't had the stamina to get through them all, but I did love this gem below (click on the image for a closer view), which finds Foley becoming jealous because Jim Kolbe, the other gay Republican congressman (that we know of) has invited Foley's teenage lust-object and three other former pages to stay at Kolbe's Capitol Hill townhouse for a page reunion.
"Be careful" of Kolbe, Foley warns the teen, "don't want you foolin' around with that older man."
The House ethics committee declined to investigate allegations that
Kolbe also had inappropriate contact with underage pages because the
Arizona Republican, who is retiring from Congress in January, already
faces a criminal probe.
With gay role models like Foley and Kolbe — not to mention admitted adulterer James McGreevey, lately accused of sexual assault — who needs Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell?
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Anta on Dec 15, 2006 2:10:57 PM:
Huge difference between Foley's admitted IMs and McGreevey's being *accused* of sexual assault - by a blackmailer, to boot. Slight age difference between the boi and the sabra, too!