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    April 23, 2007

    The kids are all right on marriage

    Posted by: Chris

    Nytpoll Speaking of surveys, there is an encouraging new New York Times/CBS News Poll on gay marriage.  It shows a plurality (40%) of those under 30 now support gay marriage; while another 29% back civil unions; leaving only 25% opposing any form of legal recognition for gay couples.

    Support for gay marriage drops with each successive age group: 28% among 30-44, 25% among 45-64, and only 18% among those over 65.

    There's a bit of a surprise on civil unions, since by 38% to 28%, a good deal more of those age 45-64 support C.U.'s than those 30-44. 

    Two final positive notes: only among those over the age of 65 is there less than majority support for either marriage or civil unions, and even among this group it's almost half (48%).  Overall, 60% of Americans back marriage (28%) or civil unions (32%) for gay couples, while only 35% oppose both.

    That should be more than enough cover for the leading Democrats running for president to back federal recognition of civil unions for gay couples.

    (Hat tip: Don in Atlanta, one of my very best sources)



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    1. KipEsquire on Apr 23, 2007 2:36:57 PM:

      God's going to have a lot of smiting to do down the road.

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