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    June 11, 2007

    Clinton campaign OKs UAFA meeting

    Posted by: Chris

    HillarychatstillAfter hedging her support for the Uniting American Families Act, which extends to gay Americans the same right heterosexuals have to sponsor non-American partners for citizenship, Hillary Clinton's campaign has agreed to a meeting with Immigration Equality on the issue.

    Clinton said in her Human Rights Campaign candidate questionnaire that she "supports" UAFA, and yet she has not signed on as a co-sponsor, and she indicated in her written response that she has both fraud and bureaucratic concerns.

    "In the current immigration debate, I'm fighting to ensure our immigration policies respect and reunify families that have been waiting for years," Clinton says in her response to the HRC questionnaire.  "While I'm supportive of this proposal in principle, I have been concerned about fraud and believe implementation of this provision could strain the capacity of our Citizenship & Immigration Services."

    Immigration Equality has suggested that UAFA supporters contact Clinton and let her know that gays are seeking unconditional support on the issue and sponsorship of UAFA.

    For a comprehensive look at gay immigration rights, click here for the Gay News Watch summary.

    For a comprehensive look at gay issues in the U.S. presidential race, click here for the Gay News Watch summary.



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