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July 31, 2007
Joe Biden's Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posted by: Chris
We won't be hearing answers from Joe Biden on gay-related questions, whether of mine or anyone else's choosing, at least anytime soon. In putting together the post suggesting a tough question to be put to the Delaware senator at the Aug. 9 presidential candidate forum put on by HRC and Logo, I overlooked the fact that Biden won't be there.
Biden is alone about the eight leading candidates to claim a "scheduling conflict" — the same weasel move, by the way, that John Edwards and Bob Graham pulled four years ago for a similar HRC event. Biden's campaign has much more in common with Graham's than Edwards', considering he has yet to catch fire with, well, anyone.
Being MIA for the HRC-Logo event seals one thing at least: We can now say without hesitation who the worst Democrat candidate is on gay issues: Joe Biden.
He waited until years after it was first introduced to sign on as a co-sponsor of the milquetoast Employment Non-Discrimination Act, he still hasn't signed on to the Uniting American Families Act or the Early Treatment of HIV Act, even though he says in principle he supports both.
It's not that he's anti-gay; far from it. It's just that he speaks with no conviction on gay issues and is up against candidates who have much stronger records of specific support and, in a few cases, actual leadership.
Sorry we won't see ya on Aug. 9, but we'll hardly miss ya.
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