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October 19, 2007
Whose side are they on?
Posted by: Chris
The following note of disrespect brought to you courtesy of the Human Rights Campaign. In a press statement acknowledging the historic House committee vote yesterday in favor of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, HRC said the following:
Today the U.S. House of Representatives’ Education and Workforce Committee voted 21-27 to report H.R. 3685, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act providing workplace protections on the basis of sexual orientation, out of committee and onto the floor of the House for a full vote expected next week.
It's subtle, but the dig at GLB rights is there -- in how the vote was portrayed, "21-27," as if the good guys lost. Keep in mind that for more than a decade now, passing ENDA (in pretty much exactly the compromise form offered this week by Barney Frank) was the signature goal of the Human Rights Campaign.
Umpteen-hundred black-tie dinners focused on ENDA as the most achievable federal civil rights goal for our movement. Now, after tens of millions of dollars collected toward that goal, the U.S. House has for the first time had a vote on the bill, and it was despite HRC not because of it.
And in betrayal of those tens of millions collected to achieve ENDA, HRC spits out a press release that counts the votes as if passing ENDA were a failure. This is the upside-down, politically correct, trans-jacked state we find our movement.
(The sideways-HRC symbol reflects that the movement is now split in two, with the glbT groups placing a higher priority for transgender rights than for achievable workplace protections for GLB Americans.)
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