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November 29, 2007
A refreshing HIV prevention message
Posted by: Chris
In recognition of World AIDS Day, the Brazilian government has produced a series of safe-sex advertisements that are running on television. There's even one with a refreshingly positive message for young gay men.
Son: I'm heading out...
Dad: Be careful.
Mom: Don't forget to take a condom.
Dad: Son, take it just in case. You never know if your boyfriend is going to have one or not.
Son: Thanks Dad, thanks Mom.
Negra Li: You don't expect all parents to be like this, right? Wearing
a condom should be your attitude, and it is important in the fight
against AIDS.
The spokesperson at the end of the spot is singer Negra Li. If only our government would invest in messages like this, or our TV networks would even air World AIDS Day messages like this in primetime. So much for our leadership role in the global fight against AIDS.
The translation and hat tip go to Made in Brazil.
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