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December 08, 2007
Ready for our close-up
Posted by: Chris
Just before my boyfriend and I left São Paulo for our three-month purgatory here in Buenos Aires, we agreed to an interview for the second issue of Junior, a fantastic new gay magazine published by MixBrasil, a gay web portal itself a part of UOL, which is something like the Brazilian version of AOL.
The idea behind the article, "Amor vida real" ("Real Life Love"), is to tell the true love stories behind six Brazilian gay male couples, including our half-Brazilian half-gringo relationship. Unfortunately Junior is only teasing the issue on its website, so we'll be bugging our friends (you know who you are) to pick up a copy to send over here.)
The photo shoot by Carlos Kepfer was its own unique and enjoyable experience, with an aim to have us dressed modern but posing in a more formal way like people did in the early days of modern American photography.
Thanks to our amigão Marcos Costa, who blogs (in Portuguese) at Carioca Virtual, for suggesting we talk to the good folks at Junior. Marcos has some news of his own to crow about. First he got a gig to write a gay column for ultra-chic Drops magazine. Now he's been named to write a gossip column about São Paulo for Cena Carioca, a popular nightlife website. Parabens, Marcos!
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Your boyfriend is white if you haven't already noticed, Chris.
if you haven't already noticed, Chris.
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Kevin on Dec 8, 2007 8:01:37 PM:
Those of us who know who we are have the actual issue in our hot 'lil hands already... It's all under control :)