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January 31, 2008
A civil exchange
Posted by: Chris
Tonight's much-hyped one-on-one showdown between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama didn't have the sparks of the South Carolina debate but both candidates did a credible job of making their case to Super Duper Tuesday voters. Hillary did herself a favor by not going on the attack very often, since it plays right into Obama's game. And Obama can never be as inspirational in a debate setting than when he's giving a speech.
A lot of the policy differences were reruns from previous debates, but for voters just now tuning in -- it was a civil exchange that both campaigns should be happy with.
UPDATE: Bill Schneider reached an interesting conclusion:
I thought overall, his position tonight was still that of the challenger, and she was effectively the incumbent. Barack Obama needed to peel votes away from Clinton. He made some progress on the Iraq issue. But how many Democrats are still more concerned about Iraq than about anything else? To the extent that the debate was a draw, it helps Clinton.
I don't disagree that there weren't any knockout punches by Obama, although he did best on Iraq, which is receding as an issue. But I wonder if Obama was consciously not on attack because he is already surging in the polls and didn't need to risk his positive aura by going negative. tonight
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Because I'd sure like someone to bring up the all-important Coulter endorsement of Clinton:
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Craig Ranapia on Feb 1, 2008 6:57:29 AM:
Is there going to be another debate before Super Size Me Tuesday?
Because I'd sure like someone to bring up the all-important Coulter endorsement of Clinton: