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January 07, 2008
Huckabee gets the Borat treatment
Posted by: Chris
Only it was at the hands of a queer Canadian…
Making the rounds on the Net is a vintage video of Mike Huckabee when, as governor of Arkansas, he was duped by gay Canadian broadcaster Rick Mercer into congratulating our neighbors to the north on their "national igloo."
Via Towleroad.
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I said it before, I'll say it again.
Let's not get all worked up.And I would not waste time thinking too much about Huckabee. Of course this guy is a boob. And he is totally unqualified. But the voters in Iowa were overwhelmingly evangelical. I think an article in the WSJ mentioned that 60% of the Repub. voters in Iowa were evangelical. So who else were they going to vote for? But Huckabee has no chance of getting the Republican party's nomination. The powers that be know that he is the biggest loser that has gone down their pike since Alf Landon.
Come Tuesday night you will need to be on to worrying about a more realistic threat to gay people--probably McCain.
Come Tuesday night you will need to be on to worrying about a more realistic threat to gay people--probably McCain
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Randy on Jan 7, 2008 8:19:42 PM:
::: laughing ::: man that is the funniest thing I have seen during this whole election cycle. I am still laughing.