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    January 07, 2008

    Mitt can't help himself

    Posted by: Chris

    0000aaaaaa01hoops450 First Mitt Romney said Barack Obama was "well-spoken."  Now the white-bread Romney is boasting that he's better suited to "post up against" Obama than 71-year-old John McCain.

    What's next? Romney rapping about his general election prospects vs. Barack?



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    1. SteveW on Jan 8, 2008 8:56:01 AM:

      The new textured background makes the text difficult to read on an old low resolution monitor.

    1. Chris on Jan 8, 2008 12:50:27 PM:

      SteveW, my apologies for that. Unfortunately we'll have to pit your empty wallet vs. mine on whether it's time for a new monitor or I pay the designer to rethink the background. At this point, I'll have to hope you blink first. ;)

    1. Monster Beats Sale on Nov 26, 2011 4:33:55 AM:

      I pay the designer to rethink the background. At this point, I'll have to hope you blink first

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