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January 03, 2008
The poor (U.S.) gay divorcee
Posted by: Chris
Just when the U.S. is figuring out that a patchwork of laws relating to gay relationships is creating a nightmare for same-sex couples dissolving their relationships…
Nearly 10,000 gay and lesbian couples married after the ruling. Massachusetts does not keep records on the number who have divorced, but lawyers who specialize in family cases say it is in the dozens. Those who choose to end their marriages soon discover that the trauma of divorce is compounded by legal and financial difficulties that heterosexual couples generally are spared.
...the Australians are solving the problem, or at least by creating a clear legal groundwork. The solution Down Under is to give all gay and unmarried heterosexual couples access to family courts to split their assets.
That's a pretty fair waystop on the road to marriage equality, although the rights and responsibilities of divorce are hardly the only or even most important reasons to say, "I do" -- or "I'm done."
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Monster Beats Sale on Nov 26, 2011 3:55:18 AM:
only or even most important reasons to say, "I do" -- or "I'm done."