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February 08, 2008
CNN agrees with Time
Posted by: Chris
Clinton campaign spokesperson Howard Wolfson stuck his foot in it trying to explain away the new Time poll that shows Barack Obama doing much better than Hillary Clinton among independents in a general election matchup against John McCain:
Responding to the poll's findings, Clinton Communications Director Howard Wolfson touted the New York senator's vast differences with McCain on a host of issues, and pointed to a recent CNN poll that showed Clinton beating McCain by 3 points. Though that same poll found Obama beating McCain by 8 points.
CNN's Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider says the biggest difference between Obama and Clinton is their support from male voters. In the CNN poll, Obama and McCain were nearly tied among male voters, but the polls shows men breaking for McCain over Clinton by nearly 20 points.
"Obama argues that he can reach across party lines," Schneider said. "And he does do a little better than Clinton with Independents and Republicans. But the big difference is that Clinton doesn't draw very well with men. Obama does."
Another perennial problem for Clinton is her high unfavorables, over 40 percent in the CNN poll, while Obama's stand at 31 and McCain's at 36 percent.
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