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March 05, 2008
GNW 5: UAFA, trans, marriage rights
Posted by: Chris
- Gay immigration rights bill unlikely to pass till Nov.: QUICK LOOK: Haverhill resident Tim Coco has seen his husband, Genesio "Junior" Juanario Oliveiro, once in the six months since U.S. immigration officials forced Oliveiro to return... (MORE)
- 'American Idol' hopeful performed as a male stripper: QUICK LOOK: American Idol contestant David Hernandez once entertained audiences by removing his clothes, instead of singing tunes, a manager at a male strip club in Phoenix said... (MORE)
- Two sides clash on trans bathroom rights in Mass.: QUICK LOOK: If opponents of transgender rights have their way, the discussion at a March 4 hearing on the transgender rights bill, House Bill 1722, will be derailed in favor of dredging... (MORE)
- Multiple-partner relationships are on the rise in N.Z.: QUICK LOOK: Polyamory relationships are increasingly gaining popularity in Christchurch, the regional capital of Canterbury, New Zealand. Polyamory refers to people in multiple relationships... (MORE)
- Calif. Supreme Court seems split in marriage hearing: QUICK LOOK: The California Supreme Court appeared divided today over the constitutionality of the state's ban on same-sex marriage. During three hours of arguments by lawyers for... (MORE)
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