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    March 05, 2008

    GNW 5: UAFA, trans, marriage rights

    Posted by: Chris

    1. Gay immigration rights bill unlikely to pass till Nov.Gay immigration rights bill unlikely to pass till Nov.: QUICK LOOK: Haverhill resident Tim Coco has seen his husband, Genesio "Junior" Juanario Oliveiro, once in the six months since U.S. immigration officials forced Oliveiro to return... (MORE)
    2. 'American Idol' hopeful performed as a male stripper'American Idol' hopeful performed as a male stripper: QUICK LOOK: American Idol contestant David Hernandez once entertained audiences by removing his clothes, instead of singing tunes, a manager at a male strip club in Phoenix said... (MORE)
    3. Two sides clash on trans bathroom rights in Mass.Two sides clash on trans bathroom rights in Mass.: QUICK LOOK: If opponents of transgender rights have their way, the discussion at a March 4 hearing on the transgender rights bill, House Bill 1722, will be derailed in favor of dredging... (MORE)
    4. Multiple-partner relationships are on the rise in N.Z.Multiple-partner relationships are on the rise in N.Z.: QUICK LOOK: Polyamory relationships are increasingly gaining popularity in Christchurch, the regional capital of Canterbury, New Zealand. Polyamory refers to people in multiple relationships... (MORE)
    5. Calif. Supreme Court seems split in marriage hearingCalif. Supreme Court seems split in marriage hearing: QUICK LOOK: The California Supreme Court appeared divided today over the constitutionality of the state's ban on same-sex marriage. During three hours of arguments by lawyers for... (MORE)



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