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    May 30, 2008

    How Obama will cross the finish line

    Posted by: Andoni

    According to the delegate count at the Daily Kos, Senator Barack Obama needs only 41more committed delegates to cross the 2026 threshold needed for the Democratic presidential nomination. There are only 86 pledged delegates left to be had in the final three primaries -- Sunday in Puerto Rico and Tuesday in Montana and South Dakota.  Obama is easily expected to get half of these delegates left or 43.

    There has been a plan here all along. That is to have the superdelegates trickle Obama’s way, one and two at a time to put him in a position to go over the top on a night that he wins a primary or caucus.

    As I suggested previously, it looks much better if Obama wins the nomination as a result of voters voting, than by some superdelegate announcing support which puts him over the 2025 mark. This latter way would feel less democratic than going over the top because people voted for him.

    It is reported by Marc Ambinder that Obama has been banking superdelegates instead of announcing them. and now has over 50 in the bank. I believe these 50 superdelegates (some switching away from Senator Clinton) will come out the moment he goes over the top after Montana and South Dakota. The combination of clinching the nomination with Montana and South Dakota, then adding another 50 or so will make an emphatic and definitive statement that the primary race is over and that he won.

    His campaign has been one of the best run presidential campaigns I have ever seen.



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    1. John on Jun 1, 2008 7:46:56 PM:

      Yet Hillary leads in the popular vote if you include FL & MI giving any Obama win an air of being "selected, not elected". All in the all, the Dems have set themselves up for a very bitter convention and fall campaign with this "superdelegate" nonsense that smacks of the elite overruling the popular vote. Not an enviable position to be in when facing McCain in the fall. Of course there is some room for good cheer: McCain still has some disgruntled conservatives who are not keen to vote for him. At this point I don't believe Obama has enough to eek out a win in November. Rather surprising how this has come about but I thought for sure the Dems would win everything this year.

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