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August 22, 2008
...but it might be Chet. (updated)
Posted by: Kevin
Liz Sidoti of AP has reported that Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX), the favorite of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), has been subject to one of the few background checks by the Obama campaign and is a finalist for consideration for Obama's vice presidential running-mate.
Chet is not what gay Democrats would call "a friend". In fact, the Washington Blade called him "anti-gay."
(Photo by Waco Tribune Herald, Jerry Larson/AP)
Update: 6:15pm E.T.: Signs point to Evan Bayh.
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I think Nancy's a bit off-base with the suggestion. She must have other plans for Edwards and wants to get him some free media attention. And her influence with the Obama campaign seems pretty minimal.
By the way, I work at a global news service. Any idea that people who signed up for the Obama VP text message have that it won't be on the wire within ten seconds is naive. The Obama campaign didn't do this to let their supporters 'know first.' They did it for the database. That's fine, but let's call it what it is.
Looks like it will be Evan Bayh after all.
CNN is now reporting/confirming that it's Biden.
And voila!
Kevin must be so disappointed that he didn't get another opportunity to castigate the Democrats and Obama for his pick.
And great prognostication, by the way. Are you ever right?
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mademark on Aug 22, 2008 2:07:03 PM:
It can't possibly be Chet Edwards. No one (and I mean no one) has heard of him, except maybe Nancy Pelosi, and if she's been encouraging Obama to pick him she must want him to lose. As Nate Silver points on in TNR, it's too late in the game to pick someone who does not have very high name recognition. It will almost surely be Biden or Clinton. While I'd love to see a Clinton pick that would suck up the media attention between now and the election, burying McCain's coverage, I just don't see it. We'll know tomorrow, but if Obama did something as clueless as picking an unknown like Edwards then all bets are off.