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    September 04, 2008

    Last night's lies

    Posted by: Andoni

    Lie_detectorYou know, I'm really getting tired of the party that lied to us repeatedly over the past 8 years continuing to do so. Do they think we're stupid? I guess we'll see on November 4.

    In my comments to Kevin's post "Take that, bitches" I said I thought Sarah Palin's speech last night contained lots of half truths and several outright lies. I got angry listening to all the great sounding, but demonstrably untrue statements. They are lying to the American people again, just like they did at all those news conferences about Iraq, WMD's, yellowcake, Sadam Hussein connected to 9-11, torture, rendition, etc. Have they no shame? I guess the last 8 years proves that they do not.

    I was in the process of going over the text of her speech word by word to point out the lies. However I just discovered a Huffington Post piece  from the AP that examines not only what Palin said, but other speakers as well. It does a pretty good job of saying what I was going to say, so I link it here.

    The bottom line is that the Republicans believe that the road to victory this November is a continuation of lying to the American people. I just hope that enough Americans have wised up by now.



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    1. Gee on Sep 4, 2008 1:43:57 PM:

      Was Palin the head cheerleader at the community college? You betcha ya. Gosh. Yup yup.

      I bet Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Elizabeth Dole are PISSED.
      I don't blame them. They have real credentials and got passed over for a secretary...I mean new Governor of AK.
      What was AK thinking?

    1. Tim C on Sep 4, 2008 1:54:39 PM:

      It might be worth voting for McCain just in the hope of someone posting on YouTube the video of Andoni's head exploding should McCain win. I grow weary of the tirade.

    1. Tim on Sep 4, 2008 2:01:06 PM:

      I was kind of thinking the same thing Tim C, he seemed reasonable before the election started. Now he explodes with anger over ever perceived slight he can gather at a friggin political convention. Heaven forbid he turn his caustic eye to his own party. Ask them where they were in every single state that voted on an anti gay marriage AMENDMENT in 2004.

      Or What Biden's record is on gays. Christ Andoni, check your blood pressure and some some dope. Politicians LIE, right to your face, smiling the whole time trying to tell you what you want to hear.

    1. Gee on Sep 4, 2008 4:24:20 PM:

      I am afraid that the Republican party is gone now. It is the party of the religious right and christian fundamentalists. Sad - because some of its original ideals are admirable.

    1. North Dallas Thirty on Sep 4, 2008 4:42:47 PM:

      I am afraid that the Republican party is gone now. It is the party of the religious right and christian fundamentalists.

      Both of which Obama supports and endorses.

    1. Charlie on Sep 4, 2008 4:54:12 PM:

      Both of which Obama supports and endorses.

      True. But does Obama's stated ties to "religious fundamentalists" translate to equivalent ties for his entire party? Biden is, after all, a Catholic. I agree that Gee's statement is silly: depending which angle you want to to attack it from, you can point to republicans who are not tied so closely to the fundamentalists, or you can say "geez, gee, you just noticed this now?" But I'm not sure how you meaningful it is to contrast Obama's religious ties with Gee's statement about the ENTIRE Republican party.

    1. Gee on Sep 4, 2008 5:06:13 PM:

      North Dallas Thirty,

      Obama does not support the religious right. He points out their hypocrisy. What do the bible - an ancient religious text written thousands of years ago - and Jesus, who wore a beard, sandals and hung out with prostitutes and poor people - have to do with the religious right in US politics?

      What is moral about windfall profits for Exxon and not providing health insurance for children in America?

      Why does the religious right use a passage in this ancient religious text to lie about gays yet they never quote the passage about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needdle than a rich man to enter the gates of heaven?

      Aren't we as Americans sick of right wing politicians using the bible [using some parts and completing ignoring other parts] to advanced their agendas?

    1. Allan on Sep 4, 2008 5:21:34 PM:

      Kids, I have a better idea.

      WD40 is an attention whore.

      If no one responds or engages with him, he will simply wither and die.

      Remember when all the kids of South Park shunned Cartman and pretended he wasn't there? That was classic.

    1. North Dallas Thirty on Sep 4, 2008 9:03:44 PM:

      What is moral about windfall profits for Exxon and not providing health insurance for children in America?

      Why does the religious right use a passage in this ancient religious text to lie about gays yet they never quote the passage about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needdle than a rich man to enter the gates of heaven?

      The passage before that reads as follows:

      Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

      Along those lines, then, if Obama wants to provide for health insurance, let him pay for it himself. He's a multimillionaire, but he can't even be bothered to help his own family members who are living in poverty. He raises hundreds of millions of dollars that he wastes on promoting himself rather than helping the poor children he sniffles over. He takes sweetheart land deals and contributions from slumlords who pay for it by leaving the heat off in poor peoples' houses during the winter. He refuses to give up his possessions to help others, instead trying to levy taxes to take money from other people.

      As for windfall taxes, if you like them so much, you might want to look at the fact that Sarah Palin, as governor of Alaska, pushed through a graduated tax on oil and gas companies that was then used to provide cash rebates and assistance to all Alaska families.

      But that's right -- you're going off Obama campaign talking points, in which they insist that Palin was never governor of Alaska in the first place.

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