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    October 31, 2008

    Freedom of speech

    Posted by: Andoni

    I've always said the answer to bad speech is more speech. This is a great example of this principle.



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    1. Dave on Nov 1, 2008 12:26:13 AM:

      Even offensive speech is protected. While I do not agree with his sign, it is his right to hold those views. The mob mentality bothered me like they were going to attack him, and they certainly did intimidate him which is probably more a lack of courage on his part than anything else.

    1. Kris on Nov 1, 2008 4:53:01 PM:

      I agree those people were very intolerant to the Obama protestor, they are a bunch of welfare losers.

    1. Allan on Nov 2, 2008 3:34:57 AM:

      Sorry, Kris, the only losers I see are John McCain, Sarah Palin, and of course, you.

      Start practicing: President Obama. President Obama. President Obama.

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