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January 30, 2009
Judge: No anonymity for prop 8 donors
Posted by: Andoni
A federal judge in California yesterday denied a motion from ProtectMarriage.com who wished to keep anonymous the names of donors who supported the constitutional amendment that reversed the California Supreme Court decision that legalized same sex marriage in that state. The ruling affects 1600 people who gave between $100 and $999 since Oct. 18 to help pass Prop 8
The donors fear reprisal because their names and addresses along with the location of where they live (on a map) appear on web pages such as Prop 8 Maps.
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I was delighted with the ruling.
But you know...the victimhood mentality the Prop 8 people never cease to amaze me. They mounted the most mendacious, mean spirited campaign in recent history for the purpose of tearing away a hard won civil right from a vulnerable minority group, and now they're whining that their businesses are being boycotted? They're whining that we are demonstrating against them and calling them "bigots?"
Well boo hoo.
I made donations to No on 8 organizations. The online donor forms seemed clear to me: my donation would be reported to the Calif Sec of State and be part of the public record. Maybe the Yes on 8 online donor forms weren't as clear.
For me the irony is that the Yes on 8 people are afraid of reprisals if their views become public. How many decades were GLBT people afraid of reprisals if their orientation became public?
GLBT people should remember those days and leave individual Yes on 8 donors alone, including the businesses they work for. People have a right to make the donations. If they did not want to have their names publicly disclosed, they should have withheld the donation.
I made donations to No on 8 organizations. The online donor forms seemed clear to me: my donation would be reported to the Calif Sec of State and be part of the public record. Maybe the Yes on 8 online donor forms weren't as clear.
For me the irony is that the Yes on 8 people are afraid of reprisals if their views become public. How many decades were GLBT people afraid of reprisals if their orientation became public?
GLBT people should remember those days and leave individual Yes on 8 donors alone, including the businesses they work for. People have a right to make the donations. If they did not want to have their names publicly disclosed, they should have withheld the donation.
Apologies for the double post
jpeckjr is absolutely right. I too made a donation to No on proposition 8 to Equality California and saw that my donation would be made public. In fact, I was sent a form by Equality California asking for full particulars from me...Name, address and the company I worked for, so it's a two-way street folks. How do I know what ProtectMarriage.com might be doing with that information?
I'm sorry, but these people are just like the Kly Klux Klan...perhaps worse. They want the privilege of sneaking up behind us with a hood on and stabbing us in the back so we won't know who they are and not suffer any reprisals.
It don't be working that way. For every action, there is a reaction. It's a proven law of physics...not some mystical and caprcious sky daddy who gives a pass to evil people doing evil deeds.
The way my father taught me when I was a kid, is if a bully punches you...you punch him back. And maybe even throw in a second punch, for good measure. That will make him stop and think before the throws the next punch, if at all. Not all people on this planet are rational and reasonable. Some only understand brute force, and if they ask for it, then they deserve what they get.
Let them whine all they want. We didn't start this shit. They did. Now, let them reap what they have sown. And if a few of these fuckers belly-up in their businesses or lose their jobs, maybe these hateful trouble makers will get the message.
Is this any different, I ask? We just took a big punch...right to the gut. Are we to be expected to just say thank you and wait for them to throw the next punch?
I think not. I'd rather go down fighting, than die a coward.
Transparency. Wow!!
There should be no anonymity for Prop 8 donors just as there should be none for those like me who contributed to the efforts to defeat Prop 8.
It’s a fact that you agree to “go public” whenever you make a contribution to a California state campaign of $100 or more. That’s the law here.
The publication of a Google map pinpointing the exact locations of those who did support Prop 8 goes beyond the provisions of the state’s campaign finance laws and seems to me to be malicious in its intent. That’s wrong and falls outside of the scope of the good efforts being made to overturn this discriminatory measure.
A few days after the election, I accessed the donor lists on the Cal Sec of State website, those reported up to that point. No outrage about the disclosure laws was expressed before the election, no attempts to block disclosure then. I wonder whose name is on the next disclosure that wasn't on the earlier ones? The map isn't the issue. Someone well-known is about to be disclosed. That's my guess.
My guess is that it's someone who supported Prop knows all-too-well the potential vitriolic use of the info. Maybe he/she posted addresses of abortion providers or judges/jurors who ruled against ultra conservative causes.
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This is their moment. Let them be heard.
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Amicus on Jan 30, 2009 9:56:23 AM:
Bizarro ruling, but good news for the re-run (i.e. the attempt to unwind Prop 8 via ballot), right?