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    June 05, 2009

    Don't Ask Do Deal: 'outright lie'?

    Posted by: Chris

    Me thinks they doth protest too much, our friends at the Human Rights Campaign. Trevor Thomas has fired off an angry response by Blackberry to Jason Bellini's Daily Beast report alleging HRC cut a deal to delay pressing for the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell until next year. Wrote Thomas:

    This story is not only an outright lie, it is recklessly irresponsible. HRC never made such a deal and continues to work with congress and the administration on a full range of equality issues including a swift end to the military's shameful ban on gay servicemembers.

    Considering that Bellini's claim to a go-slow deal on DADT was (a) sourced to New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, and (b) confirmed on camera by Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, thereby (c) confirming what Beltway gays have known for months, it appears that (d): HRC's Thomas, while using his Blackberry, was in fact talking out of a much lower extremity.



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    1. InExile on Jun 5, 2009 8:50:25 AM:

      No surprise here, HRC specializes in being passive. Cut off their cash!

    1. Chuck on Jun 5, 2009 10:59:32 AM:

      @InExile. Precisely. Their modus operandi is prolonging the pain to keep the cash flowing.

      There may have been a time when HRC truly meant to help the LGBT Community, but they have evolved into a self-serving entity that has no desire to see itself become outmoded and no longer necessary.

    1. Lucrece on Jun 5, 2009 2:09:55 PM:

      Actually, Chuck's office has released a statement claiming that such quotes attributed to him are false.

    1. cheap ugg boots on Nov 29, 2010 6:28:59 AM:

      There is no need for the Dems to get queasy: they are in a majority in both houses and Obama wants to make change happen. Of course the religious right is having a fit - they are losing ground. We will get into CIR.

    1. krk realty on Jun 10, 2011 3:20:23 AM:

      The citizens has this perseverance of expressing theirselves now.

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