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January 26, 2010
My man (and daddy) the H8-monger
Posted by: Chris
What other message can we take from the participation of Cindy and Meghan McCain in the NOH8 campaign to overturn the Proposition 8 ban on gay marriage in California? Even before John McCain ran to the right for the Republican presidential nomination, he filmed TV ads backing Arizona's Prop 107, which was far more draconian than Prop 8 ever dreamed of being.
Whereas Prop 8 banned same-sex couples from legally marrying, it nonetheless preserved domestic partnerships, a brand of California civil unions that is pretty much marriage except for the name. McCain-backed Prop 107, on the other hand, banned not just marriage, but also civil unions, domestic partnerships and other forms of legal recognition for gay couples, including even DP benefits for state and local government employees.John McCain also "strongly supported" Proposition 8 itself during the 2008 campaign:
If Cindy and Meghan agree that Prop 8 was motivated by "H8" then what must they think of John McCain's motivation for backing Propositions 8 and 107? H8-baiting political opportunism at its worst.
Don't get me wrong, I'm always happy when a prominent heterosexual, especially one with Republican ties, backs marriage equality. But it's supremely ironic to see these two ladies with duct tape over their mouths, "symbolizing their voices not being heard," according to the NOH8 website. Where were those voices during the 2008 campaign, when Proposition 8 was actually on the ballot, backed by Daddy/Hubby McCain?
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You know I agree with you about the almost abject failure of Democrats to pass gay rights legislation in the first year of the Obama administration. But I do not place so much of the responsibility on the president; far more of the fault lies with the Democratic leadership in Congress and their sycophants among Gay Rights Inc.
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Lucrece on Jan 26, 2010 10:11:20 PM:
Easier said than done. Few are the heterosexuals that will strain family relations in exchange for maintaining their moral code.