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    February 19, 2010

    Not too GOProud to beg

    Posted by: Chris

    Goproud jimmy lasilvia christopher barron gay republican conservatives cpac
    The Log Cabin splinter group GOProud is to be congratulated for taking the conservative case for marriage and equality into the vipers' nest that is CPAC:

    An unlikely sponsor at this year's annual conservative conference is hoping to not only promote the issues that set it apart from many Republicans, but also draw attention to the beliefs they share. The group is called GOProud -- a name that combines GOP and gay pride.

    So far, the group is getting a mixed response at the Conservative Political Action Conference. GOProud was founded by former members of the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay and lesbian Republican grass-roots organization. GOProud has a booth at CPAC just two spaces away from the exhibition for the National Organization for Marriage, which wants the government to define marriage as between a man and a woman. 

    GOProud's nontraditional conservative views are rankling some attendees at CPAC. Liberty University Law School, founded by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, boycotted the event after GOProud was announced as a co-sponsor.

    Still, I'm baffled by the last item in this CNN report: Given a speaking role as a CPAC sponsor, GOProud affirmatively chose not to speak on a gay subject, instead asking to participate in a roundtable on technology. The middle of the debate over marriage and the military is no time for "we just happen to be gay" politics.



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    1. SteveW on Feb 19, 2010 1:59:35 PM:

      If they're getting a "mixed response" from the CPAC group, then I'd say that counts as good news.

    1. Strict Scrutiny on Feb 19, 2010 10:40:34 PM:

      All I can do is laugh. If these dingbats really think they will be accepted and respected by the crowd at CPAC, then they are hopelessly out of touch.

    1. North Dallas Thirty on Feb 20, 2010 3:47:50 PM:

      Yes, because, Strict Scrutiny, as your Obama Party massas have told you, everyone outside your plantation wall hates gay and lesbian people. That's why you need to stay inside and do what your massa says, because there's no way you could survive outside that plantation wall.

    1. cheap ugg boots on Nov 22, 2010 2:21:29 AM:

      "Rather than become more uppity, as Gallagher implied, the gay movement has become remarkably more conservative. From its beginnings in sexual liberation and radical counterculturalism, the movement has sharpened its focus on what the vast majority of gay Americans want -- to participate as equals in the fundamental, conservative institutions they grew up believing in: marriage, the family, the Boy Scouts, the church, the military, and so on."

    1. cheap ugg boots on Nov 29, 2010 1:00:47 AM:

      The real problem here is believing all of the hype associated with ENDA. As someone who has lived and worked in a country with employment discrimination legislation (Canada), I can tell you right now that it's not all that its cracked up to be. If some one wants to fire you (for whatever reason), they will find a way to fire you. And since trans firings would be the most blatant form of workplace discrimination, I say keep the LGBT coalition intact.

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